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HTML 4.0

This is just a quick rundown list of new and deprecated features. For the full HTML 4.0 Specification, download the zipped format (379KB) or view the text format. The zipped format contains the specification in HTML format.

New Features
  • If you use the <!doctype> tag, you have to update it now, so it looks like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN">
  • For <LINK> tags in the head (used for stylesheets and such), there is a new attribute: URN (Uniform Resource Name), however it isn't supported by IE4 or Navigator 4.
  • For <META> tags, there is a new attribute: SCHEME, it too isn't supported by the main browsers.
  • There are now 6 pretty universal attributes. They are CLASS, DIR, LANG, ID, STYLE, and TITLE. They can be used in practically any tag, and are quite useful. (Note: DIR isn't supported by IE4 or Navigator 4)
  • Now the TITLE attribute can be set on almost every element.

Deprecated Features
  • <ISINDEX> Element, the search feature is now deprecated, since it is a very poor and clumsy way of doing a search.
  • The following tags that were in the <BODY> tag, are now deprecated- BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, ALINK, LINK, VLINK, and TEXT. Stylesheets will be required for page formatting in the future.
  • In addition to the body tag's attributes, nearly all attributes that specify presentation (other than the style attribute) are now deprecated.
  • <UL> had some of its attributes deprecated, they are: COMPACT and TYPE.
  • <OL> also lost some attributes, the deprecated attributes are: COMPACT, TYPE, and START.
  • Then, the <LI> tags for <OL> and <UL> have had some of their attributes deprecated. TYPE and VALUE are now deprecated in HTML 4.0.
  • <CENTER> tag has been deprecated in favor of the <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> or <SPAN ALIGN="CENTER"> tags.
  • <DIR> tags used for directory lists have been deprecated due to the <UL> tag.
  • The POINT attribute for imagemaps is no longer supported in HTML.
  • Here are a few more deprecated elements: <APPLET>, <BASEFONT>, <FONT>, <MENU>, <STRIKE>, and <U>.

This is most the new/deprecated features of HTML 4.0, if you want the full specification, download it here.