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I am volunteering my help to anyone who wants it for their webpage. I won't make webpages for anyone, if you want one made, check out West Superior Entertainment. However, if you are making your own, and you need a little help on it, e-mail me.

    HTML 4.0
With the newest HTML format comes new features, and deprecation and removal of some of the old features. I have the info about HTML 4.0 and all the new requirements for it.

Some new features also come with the advent of CSS2. There are a few new styles that you can control to add to your page's appearance. However, unlike HTML, no features have been removed from the standard. Click here to check out the new info.

I have made some programs in my spare time, and I have them availible for downloading. Also, this website utilizes a font called Bank Gothic Light BT, if you don't have it you can download it here.

Though this page does have tutorials on it, they miss a lot (due to lack of space and time). To catch all the info that I miss, go to my book section for some books that I have read and recommend.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the governing body for web-based language specifications. They have plenty of info for webmasters and programmers alike. So, go to their site at www.w3.org, for more information.