CSS Tutorial: Appendix A
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Appendix A

This appendix covers most style properties, with them divided into categories. I don't have a few of the less commonly used ones, but this is a pretty complete list. I also have the CSS2 updates, but if you have any style properties you need help with, e-mail me.

Font Text Background
Border Positioning Size

Font Properties

Name Values Explanation
font-family Name of a font This sets the name of the font to be used in the denoted section.
font-size [relative], [absolute],
[length], [percentage]
Sets the size of the font, the values can be expressed in many ways. If you want to see the different values, click here.
font-style normal, italic, oblique Applies a style to the current font. Italic and oblique are pretty much the same thing.
font-weight normal, bold, bolder,
lighter, or a number 100-900
The number must be in a 100 unit increment (550 isn't okay), with 400 the same as normal, and 700 the same as bold.

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Text Properties

Name Values Explanation
color Color name or Hex value Sets the color for the text, using a color name (black, white, etc...) or a hex value (#000000).
letter-spacing normal, [length] Sets the distance between letters, it can be any unit of measurement (pixels, inches, centimeters, etc...)
list-style-image none, [url] Defines a URL for an image to be used as a bullet for a list.
list-style-type none, circle, disk, square,
decimal, lower-alpha, upper-alpha,
lower-roman, upper-roman, disk.
Sets the type of bullet to be used for a list.
text-align left, right, center, justify Describes how text is aligned in the enclosing element. Replicates the <DIV ALIGN="*"> tag.
text-decoration none, underline, overline,
Specifies any special decoration for the text. Very useful for the a:type psuedo-classes.
text-transform none, capitalize, uppercase,
Sets the capitalization of the words. capitalize will cap the first letter of each word, lowercase will lowercase every letter, uppercase will uppercase every letter, and none will remove any inherited settings.

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Background Properties

Name Values Explanation
background-color transparent, [color] Sets a background color, which can be a color name (blue, green, etc...), a hex number (#000000), or by RGB value (255,0,0).
background-image none, [url] Defines an URL to an image, but must be inside parenthases, and have url: in front of it. Here's an example.
background-attachment scroll, fixed Sets whether the background image should remain fixed or scroll when the page scrolls.
background-repeat repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y,
Determines whether the image is repeated to fill the containing element. If repeat-x or repeat-y are used, the image will repeat on that axis. repeat will repeat the image in both directions.

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Border Properties

Name Values Explanation
border-color [color] Sets the color of a border around an image or a block that has a border.
border-width thin, medium, thick,
Sets the width of the border around and element. Can set each side using border-top-width, border-bottom-width, border-right-width, and border-left-width.
clear none, both, left, right The following elements are displayed below an element which is aligned, instead of wrapping around it.
margin auto, [length],
Sets the size of the margins around an element. Can set each side using margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-right, and margin-left.
padding auto, [length],
Sets the space between the content and the border of and element. Can set each side using padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-right, and padding-left.

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Positioning Properties

Name Values Explanation
position absolute, relative,
Specifies if the element can be positioned directly. absolute is a fixed point on the screen at a specified location. relative means it will be positioned normally, depending on the preceding elements. static is like absolute, except it doesn't scroll with the rest of the content.
top auto, [length],
Sets the vertical position of an element on the webpage. Used in conjunction with position.
left auto, [length],
Sets the horizontal position of an element on the webpage. Used in conjunction with position.
z-index [number] Controls how the elements on a page overlap. Allows a 2.5-D appearance, by layering the elements like pieces of paper.

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Sizing Properties

Name Values Explanation
height auto, [length] Sets the vertical size of an element.
width auto, [length] Sets the horizontal size of an element.

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Other Properties

Name Values Explanation
float none, left, right Causes following elements to be wrapped to the left or right of the element, rather than be below it.
visibility visible, hidden Sets the visibility of the element.
cursor auto, crosshair, default
hand, move, text, wait,
[direction]-resize, help, auto
Sets the type of cursor the mouse pointer should be. Can be one of the words, or a directional resize, such as n-resize, sw-resize, etc...

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